About us.
Avşar Mineral Water is located on the Afyonkarahisar-Ankara direction, 3 km from İscehisar district center, in the Avşar Stream.
The first written information about Avşar Mineral Water was written by Prof. Dr. S. Calvi, who conducted studies on mineral water and thermal springs in Turkey, in the 3rd issue of the Turkish Hygiene and Experimental Biology magazine in 1940. This article mentions that Avşar Springs are located four hours away from Afyon. In the following years, many studies and analyses were conducted on Avşar Mineral Waters and it was stated that Avşar Mineral Water has superior qualities. It was stated in the article “Afyonkarahisar Thermal Springs and Mineral Waters” written by Dr. M. Sadettin AYGEN that the Avşar Mineral Water source, where the studies were conducted, boils from a pool consisting of stones arranged around the spring with a flow rate of approximately 0.13/sec.
In addition to the drinking use of Avşar Mineral Water, its use for geothermal health cure purposes is understood from the 8 caves located near the source point. The presence of two-story caves carved into the rocks around Avşar Creek shows that Avşar Mineral Water was used as a drinking and geothermal spa for health purposes by the Eti and Phrygian civilizations that settled in this geography.
There are treatment centers known to be 200 in the name of Eskilop, the God of Health, called Asklepion by the Ancient Greeks. The common features of Asklepions are that there is a spring in the middle and rooms arranged around the spring. It shows that the caves in the location where Avşar Mineral Water is located were also used as thermal hotels in the Ancient Greek period for water treatment purposes.
Avşar Mineral Water, which has been used for health purposes throughout history, was transferred to Şuayp Demirel İth. İhr. Taah. ve Tic. The factory investment was initiated by and offered to the benefit of people living in the country and abroad.
With the solar energy system we have established, we aim to provide all of our annual energy consumption of approximately 3,000,000 KWn from the sun. With the solar energy we produce, we will reduce the annual CO2 emissions of 1230 tons by 96%, and we will contribute to slowing down climate change, while saving 184 trees in nature. In addition, we will contribute to the reduction of air pollution and water consumption while producing our energy with the sun.
Avsar in Numbers
With the investments made in the factory in 2021, the production capacity was doubled. As of 2024, it operates as Şuayp Demirel Madensuyu A.Ş.
With the revision made in production in 2021;
Avşar Maden Suyu factory, built on a total area of 330,000 m2, has 18,000 m2 closed area, 16,200 m2 production, 1,800 m2 administrative building, and has a production capacity of 100,000 bottles/hour and high-level technology that will enable production under superior hygiene conditions.